Church Stretton Local History Group: Home Page

The Church Stretton Area Local History Group holds regular talks (in the URC Hall on High Street) by a wide variety of knowledgeable speakers.
In addition to the talks, members undertake their own research or join together to undertake a project. You will find our research on this page. We would very much welcome new research articles from both members and non-members willing to share their work: please go to the Research page for more information.
Occasional trips to local places of historical interest are arranged and once a year members get together for their Church Stretton History Christmas Lunch - with a quiz on what they've learned from the talks during the past year: results are strictly private to avoid any embarrassment!
Membership costs £10 pa and talks are £2 per person for members and £4 for non-members. For details on how to join us, email
Church Stretton History - Local Area History Group